Monday, 23 April 2012

Bazin in the malian society

Bazin, one of the most coveted africain fabrics from mali and other coutries such as Burkina Faso , Senegale, but especially admired in Mali to the point of becoming a cultural identity in Mali. the damask comes from different europeen countries likes Germany, Hollande etc, but Mali is the leading provider bazin of all africa so we think the fabric is made in mali.The damask fabric is cotton which has the distinction of making the color shimmering when stained. Its elegance in the traditionally cotton fabric of choice for making tunics, festive creations and contemporary chic. Stiffer it is more expensive it is. Bazin africolor is hand dyed, each fabrics created by hand is unique. Malians have the tendencies to wear the damask in special occasion such as marriages, naming ceremonies, engagement parties ect. In Mali, bazin is more focused than any afrcain fabric and even more than those foreing dresses.
The beauty of a continent, a nation is reflected in the genius of  his people.

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